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We’re dedicated to becoming a global and influential platform of preserving, through the power of video, the Hellenic Heritage for generations of Greeks to come worldwide.

We scattered all over the globe and GRECA TV unites us again!

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We’re dedicated to becoming a global and influential platform of preserving, through the power of video, the Hellenic Heritage for generations of Greeks to come worldwide.

The creation of Greca TV was a vision and life-long target of Bill Fatsis, a retired Justice, politician, community journalist, in print and electronic media, and a founding member of most of the organized institutions of the Greek Canadian community in Toronto-Canada.

Greca TV’s main target is not profit, but the preservation of Hellenic Culture and Heritage, including language and Faith, especially by the next generations of Greeks in the place where they were born and raised.

Knowing their roots will advance the quality of their citizenship in their country of birth. This is why Greca TV’s entire content is distributed FREE-OF-CHARGE to all. 

The success of Greca TV depends entirely on you if you believe, as we do, that it is essential to preserve Hellenism outside Greece for our children and grandchildren!

Many individuals are offering their valuable services free-of-charge.

However, the selfless contribution towards the creation of Greca TV of Alex Kontarakis has been invaluable as well as those from Spyros Moshopoulos and Dimitris Samaras.

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