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  • We all thrive in preserving our special moments: our children or grandchildren’s graduation, their sports or artistic achievements and activities, our weddings and baptisms, our birthday parties or to announce a loss of a loved one, a beautiful video we took during our vacation or walk in the woods or by the sea or lakeside, any other family or individual video, or any video we love to share with our friends and community. Each video on demand (VOD) will be categorized by country and city for viewing locally or internationally;
  • We are all proud to show our Greek Community events and activities, our Association’s happenings and announcements, our parades, our meetings and membership promotions, our Youth or Women’s Chapter activities, our senior citizens cafe-gatherings, our Church’s mass, youth programs, festivals, Philoptohos’ activities and so much more;
  • We often need to look for employment or need workers for our small business or professional office;
  • Our Greek Youth organizations, such as University and College Clubs or Sports Clubs, need assistance to promote their activities to find more Greek youth and bond and socialize.

Many place videos such as these already in You Tube and other similar platforms, but for the first time we can have our own «Ελληνικη Αγορά» and it’s all Free-of-Charge on Greca TV!


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